Egg Harbor Marina is proud to be open to all who fish. Our Marina may be the most fishing friendly facility in Door County. The structure provided by our new rubble mound is a fish magnet. The outer breakwall promenade and our main parking lot walkway are excellent places to start. All we ask is that you be responsible and considerate of public and private property. Please clean up after yourself, removing all bait, refuse, and food, to the trash receptacles provided. Be sure to keep all walkways clear.
Whether you are a seasoned angler or just a beginner, our sparkling blue waters offer ample opportunity for you to score a trophy fish. Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Perch, Salmon, Trout, and several other species frequent our harbor and surrounding waters.
What to do if your line becomes entangled on a boat

Zeller boys with their prize small mouth bass caught in the Marina
Please do not fish near boats and be very careful not to damage any boats in the harbor or impede their safe operation. Please remember that many guests sleep on their boats, please abide by posted Quiet Hours, 10pm-7am.
If your line or lure inadvertently becomes entangled on a boat, ask a staff person for help. Do not board someone’s boat while trying to untangle your gear. Fishing around the gas dock when fueling is underway is not permitted.
Fish cleaning is not permitted in the marina and we ask that all fish not taken for food be returned to the water.
Egg Harbor Fishing Forecast
View current fishing forecasts for Egg Harbor, WI.